About Jessica

Jessica was elected to the Parliament of Western Australia in 2017, representing the electorate of Kingsley in the Legislative Assembly.
Jessica lives in Woodvale with her husband, Siljan, and their two kids. She grew up in Beldon and Joondalup, where she attended Eddystone Primary School and Sacred Heart College.
As a mum with school-aged children, Jessica values the powerful contribution that education makes to our kids' future. Jessica’s experience serving on the Greenwood College, Warwick Senior High School, St Luke’s Catholic Primary School, Creaney Primary School and Halidon Primary School boards has given her a well-founded understanding of the pressures and demands on the education system in today’s world.
Having been the former President of the Lansdale Residents Association, one of the starting points of her political journey, Jessica has a strong, community-focused background. In a nod to her Irish heritage, Jessica became the Chair of the Perth Rose of Tralee Commitee, upon moving to Woodvale.
Having two young children, Jessica is involved in many community sporting organisations, such as Woodvale Little Athletics and St Luke's Netball Club. She understands the importance of kids-sport and the benefits it can provide, and carries this mentality into her role as the Local Member for Kingsley.
Jessica is a proud Club sponsor of:
- Woodvale Edgewater Junior Football Club (AFL)
- Woodvale Football Club (Soccer)
- Woodvale Wings Netball Club
- Kingsley Woodvale Cricket Club
- Kingsley Woodvale Junior Cricket Club
- Kingsley Westside Football Club (Soccer)
- Kingsley Amateur Football Club (AFL)
- Kingsley Junior Football Club (AFL)
- Greenwood Netball Club
- Greenwood Tennis Club
- Warwick Greenwood Junior Football Club
- Warwick Greenwood Cricket Club
- Warwick Bowling Club
- Warwick Senators Basketball Club
As a former small-business owner, Jessica has a personal understanding of the pressures and demands on small-businesses in our local community, and has made it her mission to support small-businesses in the Kingsley electorate. All purchases for the electorate office and for donations to schools and community groups are purchased from small-businesses in the Kingsley electorate where possible. Jessica does Small-Business Shoutouts on her social media to highlight and promote small-businesses within the electorate.
When Jessica was first elected, many people told her that they felt that the Kingsley electorate was often forgotten. Since being elected, Jessica has been determined to ensure that the Kingsley Electorate gets their fair share. Jessica has been involved in several successes for the local community, including:
- The widening of the Mitchell Freeway from Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue
- Investment in the Joondalup Health Campus
- Investment in the Osborne Park Hospital
- Advocating for the preservation of historical site Duffy House and its restoration for community use
- Greenwood Sound-Wall Petition
- Lake Goollelal Midge Management
- East Green Development
- Investments into our local public schools
- Restoration of Luisini Winery
Jessica's dedication to the community has continued since her re-election in 2021. Her advocacy for the electorate has only been broadened by her appointments as Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Rita Saffioti, Minister for Transport; Planning; Ports from 19 March 2021 until 8 June 2023, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable John Carey; Minister for Housing; Lands; Homelessness; Local Government, from December 14 2022 until 8 June 2023.
In the Cook Government ministry, Jessica is the Cabinet Secretary and Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier; Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade; Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations. She has held this position since 8 June 2023. Jessica is the Chair of the Aboriginal Cultural Centre Project Steering Committee, and the Chair of Project 2029. These roles provide exciting opportunities which build on Jessica's pre-existing skills, and further her enthusiasm for doing what's best for the broader community.