About the Kingsley electorate
The Legislative Assembly District of Kingsley is a vibrant and bustling suburban electorate, located between the Mitchell Freeway and Wanneroo Road, north of Reid Highway and south of Ocean Reef Road.
A particular point of pride for Kingsley is Yellagonga Regional Park. Dubbed as the 'Kings Park of the North', Yellagonga boasts a beautiful natural environment, including Lake Goollellal and its surrounding wetlands.
Kingsley is situated in the North Metropolitan Region, and includes parts of the Cities of Joondalup, Wanneroo and Stirling.
Residents living in Hamersley, Warwick, Greenwood, Kingsley, and Woodvale are a part of the Kingsley electorate. Not in these suburbs? Find your electorate here.
The electoral boundaries across the state were redistributed in March 2021, which brought the remaining areas of Hamersley into the electorate of Kingsley.
Government: Creaney Education Support Centre; Creaney Primary School; Dalmain Primary School; East Hamersley Primary School; Glendale Primary School; Goollelal Primary School; Greenwood College; Greenwood Primary School; Halidon Primary School; Hawker Park Primary School; North Woodvale Primary School; Warwick Senior High School; West Coast Secondary Education Support Centre; West Greenwood Primary School; Woodvale Primary School; Woodvale Secondary College.
Other: Liwara Catholic Primary School; St Luke's Catholic Primary School; The Montessori School.