Warwick Quarter Development Proposal

A private developer has proposed to build apartments and commercial space on Ellersdale Avenue and Dugdale Street near Warwick Grove Shopping Centre.

The City of Joondalup zoned this land as "Centre" in the early 2000s and have had the responsibility to develop a structure plan for this site.

As a town planner, I recognise the need for a structure plan to guide appropriate development and incorporate community input. That's why I met with the City of Joondalup and Vicinity Centres in 2021 to advocate for a structure plan to be developed as a priority. 

Unfortunately, this structure plan has still not been developed.

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12 September update!

After writing to the WAPC Chair and raising this issue in Parliament, public consultation has been extended to 14 October 2024.

Have your say online or contact my office if we may help you make a submission.

You can watch my speech in Parliament on Facebook.